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Friday 10 May 2013

EDITORIAL www.facebook/themandatemonitor WE ARE LIVING IN FEARS

Since our last editorial titled: NIGERIAN AIRPORTS-SEEING IS BELEIVING, we have been inundated with requests for our editorial on the state of insecurity across the nation.

 Well, we are not shying away from commenting on security matters but the truth is that THE MANDATE MONITOR is designed to shape political opinions and effectuating positive changes around the socio-political firmament in Nigeria and beyond. It is not our brief to support the destabilization of the Nigerian government by heating up the polity.

Only two days ago, the power play between the forces of terrorism and the states security forces threw up itself into the front burner of our socio-political discussed with the massacre of over 23 police officials by a rag-tag local militia in Nasarawa state.
Sincerely, it will amount to an understatement to say that the Nigerian security forces and leadership are overwhelmed by these challenges, that is whether they admit it or not, it is the truth. To us, the more attacks and criticism the government gets from the populace the more confused they seem to become, therefore, we are convinced what the government needs is encouragement and support, and that is what we are determined to provide.

The leadership is scratching its head, and is at their wits end while the everyday lives of Nigerians are threatened and the people live in fear of attacks from enemies of the state. The reasons for this state of affairs is clear, to avoid abuse of people’s rights the government is constrained and its arms tied behind it as it cannot move into the enemies territory to root out the evil ones without massive casualties on the side of innocent citizens.

Hiding amongst innocent citizens has been an old time tactics of terrorist globally, and that is what the government of the day seems to be contending with. This accounts for the President’s conclusion that Boko Haram is faceless. Each time the government through the JTF tightens the noose around the neck of these terror suspects, there ia always an outcry from the people after all, we have seen reports from international agencies (including amnesty international and Human rights watch) accusing the federal authorities with abuse of human rights and massive, unjustified hounding of the citizenry up north.

At this point, we think that Nigerians may have to pay additional price if we sincerely desire the restoration of peace and order in the country. The government may have to inconvenience us a bit here and there with respect to breaching our fundamental human rights We may have to donate our freedom a bit, be restrained a bit or else these evil doers using us as human shield will continue to plague our land and people.

THE MANDATE MONITOR is convinced the government has shown elements of military force and willingness to tackle terror, but it has not displayed the political zeal. Our political leaders dance around the issue of state of emergency, hence once it was declared around terror flashpoints, yet for political consideration, it failed to achieve its set objectives.

In Borno state, the president warned the insurgents that he is not ready to lose any of his officers. Since then he has lost over 50 of his security forces – it is time for him to act, and act he must because that is our mandate to him.

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