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Friday 10 May 2013

The Nigerian state is plagued with all kinds of avoidable socio-political challenges. The fact that these challenges are avoidable or better still, solvable, actually presents us in bad light before serious minded nations of the world.

Nothing we do seem to have any lasting, appreciable or sustainable impact. From roads that we construct to the satellites we put into orbit. Even committees that we set up to probe into malfeasance or the much talked about vision 2020…these are simple issues with nations that are committed to the transformation of their socio-political and economic environment.

Following the fuel price increase and the masses revolt and riots that greeted it, the Nigerian leadership set up the SURE-P committee, yet we cannot point to any verifiable intervention achieved by reason of these funds. The probes (including power, pension and fuel subsidy) experienced major fits and starts with the result that subsequent governmental actions are greeted with skepticism and doubts, even their genuine efforts are laughed at, derided and mischievously disparaged… they must note this.

Last year, the massive flooding that overtook many Nigerian cities attracted massive governmental, nongovernmental and corporate interventions with Billions of Naira appropriated and raised for the re-settlement of displaced Nigerians. Till date, we are yet to see even a single victim of that flooding disaster who benefited from the Billions appropriated for that purpose.

Today, Nigerian leadership policies are punctuated with paroxysm; they suffer from fits of epilepsy like the well known NEPA. These policies are never given a chance by not just Nigerians but even by those who articulate them; this is because they were not meant to succeed.

For us, it is thumbs down for the government with respect to policy formulation and execution. It is also a thumb down for the electorate which donates the mandate but fails to watch over the mandate. The mandate is our mandate.

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