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Saturday 6 June 2015



Dear fellow-citizens, welcome to this issue of THE MANDATE MONITOR, Nigeria’s soar away political news story platform gauging the standard of political conduct, actions and inactions of those in political leadership (both the elected and appointed).

The Buhari Presidency is one week old, Hurray! And all over the country the people are just WAITING for change or so our finding show. THE MANDATE MONITOR interactions with Nigerians reveal diverse views and feelings both from pro and anti Buhari’s apologists.

Re Buhari supporter has been furious with our request to comment on the first seven days of the Retired General, “I will comment after the first 100 days” she said. G enerally we noted some level of disappointment in her facial expression but being a leader of the change movement, she respectfully reserved her comment till after the first 100 days in office. But talking to a core Gejite, she lambasted the new regime and its party thus, “APC and Buhari planned thoroughly what they will do if they lose the election, but they didn’t plan what to do if they win the election” she said. This very vocal Gejite alleges that if the APC had lost the elections, it would not have taken 24 hours before Nigerians feel the impact of that loss.

So, as an ordinary Nigerian on the street, what do you think about the delay of President Buhari conclusively forming his government? Do you think Nigerians are being too impatient with the new administration?

PDP vowed to remain in power for 60 years. Leading to the just concluded elections, they were so up there and Nigerians were down there. Their arrogance and lack of creativity in governance was so visible Nigerians wanted anything but PDP. In fact, certain school of thought insists Nigerians didn’t vote for Gen. Buhari, they claim that Nigerians simply voted against the PDP and their Presidential candidate, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. 

So where is the PDP now? Their absence or better still, their silence is indicative of the fact that there was never a party but a group of people overseeing the sharing the national wealth. Presently, even facebook activists play the role of opposition to APC better than the PDP.

So, ladies and gentlemen, if you are a blogger or facebook personality, join us beacaus we are the new opposition.

The 7th National Assembly wound up 24 hour earlier, and the high point was the passage of 46 bills within a space of 10minutes but that is not the story now. Presently, attention of Nigerians, especially the political elites is turned to the National Assembly complex once again as candidates’ slug it out over the Senate Presidency (Saraki and Lawan) and House of Representatives Speakership (Femi Gbajabiamila, and Yakubu Dogara). Reports emerging from the 3 Arms zone shows that members still divided on choice of candidates.

It is clear that members of the 8th National Assembly will be choosing between EXPERIENCE, CAPACITY AND CHARISMA on the one hand and INDEPENDENCE the other hand. So as a concerned Nigerian, what will you be choosing? Whom would you like to see as the next Senate President? And whom would you like to see as the nes Speaker of the House?

 “Be not afraid of change for it is constant. Believe that life is all about change and therefore worth living, and your belief will help create the life you want.” -----  OBUESI PHILLIPS


46 Bills In 10 Minutes
Did the Senate pass 46 bills into law within 10 minutes? Oh yes they did and it came like a bang from the blues, I mean the news that barely a day before the end of their tenure, as the 7th Senate, Nigerian senators on Wednesday passed 46 bills within 10 minutes at a sitting. Though the bills had recently been passed by the House of Representatives and transmitted to the Senate for concurrence, the Senate waited on the last day to act on the bills.

To pass all these bills in 10 minutes, the Senate suspended Order 79(1) of its Standing Orders, which allowed it to suspend regular procedures.
For us at THE MANDATE MONITOR, the 7th Senate under Sen. David Mark behave rather irresponsibly to have waited for so long. It is for us an extremely poor exercise of their mandate as Senators of the Federal Republic. The take-away from this is that for the 8th National Assembly soon to be inaugurated, all eyes will be on them when they begin loitering around aimlessly, we will remind them of this 46 bills in 10 minutes saga.
Leadership Vacuum?

It is still less than one week into the new administration, and Nigerians online have been agog finding one fault or the other in the actions and inaction of the country’s new leadership. Presently, Nigerians are accusing the President, Gen. Buhari and the Vice President, Prof. Osibanjo of abdicating their offices to travel outside the country at the same time. It will be recalled that in searching for answer toi the Boko Haram menace, the President had made Chad and Niger Republis his first point of call as the President of Nigeria. Furthermore, at the same time while Mr. President was away, the Vice President, Prof. Osibanjo was on a state visit to Sudan.

Nigerians have argued that by this singular act, both Nigerian leaders created a leadership vacuum never seen in the history of Nigeria. We think this is a fleeting error on the part of those who administer both leaders and may have accepted invitations with jointly perusing the legal and political implications.

While this argument may be plausible, it must be allowed to die away in our opinion because the proponents of this argument it seems do so with intense hatred and malice towards the present regime. President Buhari obviously is eager to bring change and we must allow him that time and space to do his work

Senate Passes “Sex With Minor” Law?
There have been accusations and counter accusations. The argument is simply on the content of the recently passed Sexual Offences Bill 2015. Many insists Senator Chris Anyawu is the brain behind a sex with minors law, while others think that the online information is an exaggeration of the whole episode.
According to Leadership.ng/4382 reports monitored online, 

“The Senate on Wednesday passed the Sexual Offences Bill 2015 which prescribes life imprisonment for rapists and those who have sexual intercourse with those less than 11 years.”

Reacting to this report, some have shouted “It is a lie!” 

While the confusion persists, and is trending, indications have emerged that the ‘sex with minors law” may have been read out of context by overzealous reports who didn’t take time to go through the new bill before crying blue murder.

was caused by some illiterate, uneducated reporter who did not read the document very well.. Just said the law will punish anyone who has sex with a girl "under 11"..which means from 12 is ok...and hell broke lose.. .. Go and read plz. Section 7 tags penetration with a minor as 'defilement'. 7 (2) covers girls of 11 and below, 7 (3), covers between 12 and 15; and 7 (3) protects those between 16 and 18...EVERY VIOLATION CARRIES A LIFE SENTENCE.



We have monitored reports and statement posted on Amnesty International’s website as at the 3rd of June, the report is titled "Stars on their shoulders. Blood on their hands: War crimes committed by the Nigerian military" , showed that top Nigerian military hierarchy committed what they termed as war crimes. 

According to the report, since March 2011, more than 7,000 young men and boys died while in military detention and more than 1,200 people were unlawfully killed since February 2012. Amnesty International further opined that as the fight against Boko Haram continued, young men were arrested indiscriminately by military officers and are tortured or out rightly executed without any evidence to prove that they were indeed Boko Haram members.
The report finally concluded that the Nigerian military, including senior military commanders, must be investigated for participating, sanctioning or failing to prevent the deaths of more than 8,000 people murdered starved, suffocated, and tortured to death, 

Reacting to this very negative picture painted by Amnesty International, the Nigerian Army released a statement:

“The Defence Headquarters has noted with dismay the gruesome allegations made by the Amnesty International against some senior military officers serving and retired of the Nigerian Armed Forces. It is unfortunate that all effort made in the allegation was geared towards continuation of blackmail against the military hierarchy in which the organisation had embarked upon as far back as the inception of military’s action against terrorist in the North East.”

For us, we are deeply concerned and are afraid that AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL may be playing a script of international conspiracy against the Nigerian state here. While not absolving the Nigerian Army of whatever accusations of human rights abuse that they may have been involved in, we deeply frown at the methodology being employed by Amnesty International to deceive the global community about the situation in Nigeria on two grounds:
We know that hundreds of Nigerians soldiers sympathetic to the religious ideologies being pursued by Boko Haram were systematically “donating” their military uniforms and weapons to the terrorist group. We have come across series of video evidence showing Boko Haram fighters in military fatigues, attires and using military hardwares etc.
From the video evidence posted on the Amnesty International’s website and watched privately, there is no conclusive, verifiable evidence that in fact and indeed, the soldiers were Nigerian soldiers.
Now, assuming without conceding that they are, since Boko Haram is a well established terror organisation, and have exploited “propaganda” in its effort to destroy the Nigerian state, they have the means and resources to “use” Nigerian soldiers sympathetic to their cause to achieve whatever objectives they purpose.

The core challenge of the video posted which evidently is the “best evidence” available to Amnesty International is the continued reference to Boko Haram as a group of insurgents. According to the video –
“The Nigerian Army is currently engaged in operations hunting down and fighting heavily armed INSURGENTS of Boko Haram who are trying to establish Islamic rule in North of the country.”

The present Amnesty International’s report on the activities of the Nigerian military is beclouded by a failure of definition. We are convinced that If the group is sincerely able to properly situate the definition of Boko Haram and what they stand for, their report will carry a different tone. For the avoidance of doubt, Boko Haram is not a group of insurgents but a well established and funded TERROR GROUP.

The Amnesty International as it is report has far reaching implications, foremost amongst which is that Boko Haram is allowed free space to run-rings around the Nigerian state unchecked, while Amnesty International and their Nigerian sympathizers and sponsors of Boko Haram go into a media and publicity frenzy accusing the Nigerian military of incapacity to curtail the excesses of Boko Haram. 

It is instructive to note that Amnesty International have not taken the pains to look the direction of Boko Haram in search of Human Right abuses because if they have done that, they will not sincerely come up with this report. We have seen graphic details of life in Gwoza and other towns initially under the control of Boko Haram.

Furthermore, it is clear that Amnesty International relies solely on REPORTS, INFORMATION and RECORDs provided by HEAVILLY prejudiced socio-political activists having an axe to grind with the Nigerian establishment and sympathetic to the agenda being pursued by Boko Haram. There are information in the public space of certain Nigerians moving from country to country with videos scripted to implicate and disparage the Nigerian state, the Nigerian leadership and the Nigerian military. 

The whole intention is to greatly diminish the Ngerian state in the eyes of the international community. We have no hesitation in concluding that all these (including the Amnesty International report) are part of international conspiracy intended to bring the Nigerian state, the Nigerian military high command and its leadership to disrepute.

For us at THE MANDATE MONITOR, it will be a pipe dream to continue to refer to Boko Haram as insurgents and hope to defeat them.

2014 Dream Prize Winner

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