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Sunday 21 June 2015



Considering the many acts of terrorism committed by people in the name of Islam in the last 30 years, it will be clearly understandable that many Nigerians, especially the non-Muslims will be confused as to the true nature of Islamic faith. But the truth which may be difficult to swallow for “faith fundamentalists” is that “Peace loving Muslims are the most Muslims.” We all know it, and except in cases of deliberate denials, that overwhelming majority of Muslims are peace-loving and hospitable.

As the world struggles with the terrorism challenge, there is a noticeable increase in the “Muslims are terrorists” debate. The truth however is that "most Muslims are decidedly not terrorists; and are indeed as victimized as we are by the actions of a radical few.” Muslim extremists and in this case, Boko Haram make up only an insignificant fraction of the Nigerian Muslim community, yet they receive most of the attention because of the terror they cause.

If we as Nigerians continue to create an enemy image of Nigerians of Northern extraction most of whom are followers of Islam and therefore Muslims, it will be impossible for us all to live in peace and unity as a people. For me, these Boko Haram radicals though they are of Islamic faith yet they are out-laws and we know what out-laws do, don’t we?

It is verifiable that most Muslims are usually as horrified at such atrocious acts of violence by Boko Haram as other Nigerians are, yet they bear the brunt of threats and attacks after each incident of terrorism floods the media.
While calling for the building of stronger alliances between THE FAITHS, I still will call on the leadership of the Islamic faith in Nigeria to do more to separate the wheat from the chaff, the radical few from the true worshippers and the terrorist Boko Haram from true Muslims.

It is in this regard that i view the recent Amnesty International’s report on extra-judicial killings by the Nigerian military North East of Nigeria. In most of my previous writings, i have expressed my deepest disgust and outrage at such atrocities in cases where they are proved against the military. My position remain, that true Muslim and innocent civilians ought not to bear the brunt of the war on terror.

However, beyond criticizing the Nigerian military, I must restate that we cannot win the war against terrorism if Muslim leaders continue to view the war against terror as a war against Islam and Muslims. I posit and strongly too that to the extent that Northern leaders continue to view the fight against Boko Haram as a fight against Northern interests, the Nigerian Military will become demoralized, distracted, intimidated and afraid to carry out their duties without fear or favour.

Nigerians in my view must unite In support of:
1.     The Muslims against any backlash of the war on terror
2.    The Military to defeat the terrorist Boko Haram
3.    Government to build a virile nation where peace reigns

In conclusion, I will say that FAITH FUNDAMENTALISM is not associated to Islam and Muslims alone, most other faiths have at one time or the other in world history caused monumental havoc on the people of the world. For now, the Islamic faith is in the “hot sit” but that does not and should not in any way stereotype Muslims generally.

At this juncture, i wish to call on the leaders of the Muslim faith in Nigeria to join hands with, and partner with the top brass of the Nigerian Military in this onerous task of ridding our nation of Islamic out-laws whose main objective is to bring Islam to disrepute. We must all support the military, we must encourage and not victimize, demoralize or intimidate them. 

2014 Dream Prize Winner

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