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Wednesday 17 June 2015


“It is your duty to examine the conduct of public figures and to place them in the spotlight – that is your duty.” – Nelson Mandela @World Press Freedom Day

Dear fellow-citizens, welcome to this issue of THE MANDATE MONITOR, Nigeria’s soar away political news story platform gauging the standard of political conduct, actions and inactions of those in political leadership. If you are politically elected or appointed, you are under our radar.

AWESOME FOR DEMOCRACY: Last week was awesome for democracy, politics and leadership in Nigeria. It was the week that the deed was done, I mean the week when all that APC feared caught up with them. Before now, APC as a party already surmounted virtually all challenges, obstacles and impediments on its way to glory up until last week when the enemies of the party and all doomsday prophets had their laugh against the party.

On a day and time the NASS was to be inaugurated and new leaders elected, the APC against all common sense and respect for democratic institutions fixed a party caucus meeting, for this they received a just recompense. For us at THE MANDATE MONITOR, we cannot find a better definition for organized impunity, yet we are consoled as do all Nigerians with the fact that their thoughts and imaginations of their heart did not stand else democracy in Nigeria would have been diminished greatly.

WORKERS SALARIES USED FOR ELECTIONS: Recently, the All Progressives Congress in Ekiti State had urged Governor Ayo Fayose to stop "deceiving" the state workers over failed promises to pay their salaries. In his response, Ayo Fayose while urging APC to prevail on its governors in neighboring States to pay workers that are owed as much as eight months salary, called on APC to first remove the timber in its eyes before aspiring to remove the toothpicks in other people’s eyes.

These workers across board have themselves to blame. It does not matter whether it is APC or PDP states, had these civil servants asked for their salaries during the last elections, we are confident that the politicians would have paid it without much ado. 

They cannot eat their cake and still have it, after all, they were busy collecting money from the politicians without questioning the sources. Without doubt, the money spent during the elections was workers salaries as we have it on good authority that a certain godfather directed all ministries and parastatals within the state to return all funds not expended before the elections. 

THESE REPS ARE NOT SERIOUS; First thing first, it is said that self preservation is the first law of nature, and so the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara, on Monday approved the constitution of an Ad Hoc Committee on Welfare. The approval was contained in a statement issued by Rep. Jerry Manwe, the Speaker’s Chief of Staff. 

We are amazed that the “honorables” just elevated and made their individual and collective welfare of so much importance, far and above the welfare of the generality of Nigerians. If the “law of the beginning” is anything to go bye, then Nigerians must brace up for a NASS not interested in the welfare and wellbeing of the people.

Having regards to the quantum of salaries and allowances these guys have allocated to themselves, it is clear they didn’t come to the NASS for the people’s interests but for their own welfare. It is our mandate, the people’s mandate… Nigerians ought to be outraged.

ATIKU’S MANDATE IS TO CHECKMATE TINUBU? Recently we profiled Gen Dambazau as one of the many emerging leaders in the Buhari dispensation. Today, our focus will be on a former Vice President, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, who on Tuesday paid a courtesy call on Pesident. Muhammadu Buhari. 

We are following with very keen interest the brewing solidarity between Mr. President and Alhaji Atiku Abubakar having regards to the many errands which the former Vice President seem to be running for the Aso Rock landlord. Keen watchers of contemporary Nigerian politics cannot fail to notice that Alhaji Atiku Abubakar seem to always stand in the gap for Mr. President – while the 72 year old stands aloof playing the good guy. 

Unless Mr. President announces his core team, Nigerians and monitors of the three arms zone will continue to speculate on what and what portfolio Alhaji Atiku will be managing, but until then, our speculation is that his core mandate will be to play “the bad guy”, checkmate and diminish the influence of Bola Ahmed Tinubu in APC.

HOW DID APC GET HERE? We overheard APC top ranking men talk of “indiscipline,” “treachery,” “betrayal” and “ridicule.” It is amazing that considering how APC helped the PDP achieve self destruct, by encouraging Amaechi and co to betray and ridicule his party, these words now seem to make meaning to them after all.

Who will believe it that Mr. Timi Frank, deputy National Publicity Secretary of the APC will call on the party Chairman, Chief John Odigie Oyegun to resign.
According to Mr, Frank, ''If my party could not keep to the promise of change, then we must correct them to keep to that. I have no fear or favour than to say that the current leadership of the party has practically failed. With this incident alone, the chairman should resign from his position after taking a position against the people and the people’s position has finally come to stay. In the Western world, by today the party’s national chairman would have resigned honourably.”

Our first response to the above is “what audacity?” Come think of it, we hope APC is not out to deceive itself that all is well? Of a truth, APC may have sown the wind, and now reaping the whirlwind.

YOU ARE MAKING EXCUSES MR. PRESIDENT: At a time the new leadership under President Buhari ought to be moving from “promises to performance,” Mr. President and his Vice have resorted to making of excuses.

1.    I am coming into office at the wrong time
2.   We are inheriting a country in crisis
3.   My old age would limit my performance
In the first stanza of his new release, Mr. President said, “At 72, there is a limit to what I can do; old age will limit my performance.” Speaking further he said, “I wish I became Head of State when I was a governor, just a few years as a young man. Now at 72, there is a limit to what I can do.” 

For us here, we know and this knowledge is widespread, that when a man grows old, he travels less. But instead of conserving energy for the main tasks, Mr. President by next week will be flying into the Cameroons in continuation of his anti-Boko Haram coalition building Our question to Mr. President is simple, if old age will diminish your performance, why is it not diminishing your travelling?

Presently, Buhari’s honeymoon with Nigerians is still on a rollercoaster, thus one is not able to question the General for any wrong doing at this time but the truth is that Mr. President all along  knew that age is no longer on his side and yet chose to stick out his neck, so why the excuses  after winning the job?
In the same vein and from the second stanza of same release, the people’s General continued… “Our government is determined to secure the country, manage the economy, create employment and fight corruption. Some articulate writers have said if we do not kill corruption, corruption will kill Nigeria. This APC administration intends to kill corruption in Nigeria. We will do our best, I assure you,” Buhari stated.

Yeah the second stanza is more like it though Mr. President wasn’t talking tough as we expected but at least the second stanza is soothing to the nerves and  itching ears of Nigerians who want to see their “ALL NEW MESSIAH” move from promises to performance.

For us at THE MANDATE MONITOR, it is not that Nigerians are too impatient, but that the leadership is yet to settle down to face the act of governance; Mr. President must not waste the people’s goodwill.

2014 Dream Prize Winner

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