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Sunday 31 May 2015


 "Rivers know this: There is no hurry, we shall get there some day."       --  Winnie the Pooh

Good morning Nigeria and Nigerians! Itsa new day, and the beginning of another new month.

Congratulations to every Nigerian on not just the success of the 2015 elections but also the smooth transition from one democratic government to another. Celebrations over, President Buhari is on the saddle now as the President not of Northern Nigeria, not of APC but of the entire Nigerian state.


Well, we at THE MANDATE MONITOR have taken special interest in this quotable quote that has gone viral in the social media. What does this quote connote for Nigeria and Nigerians? What are the implications of such words on marble? Well, we urge you to await the many interpretations and implications for a Nigeria now united by the emergence of change.


News coming out from Kaduna state indicates that the state Governor, Nasir El - Rufai says he and his Deputy will pick up just 50% of their monthly wages only. On the outside, this is good news and ordinarily ought to have been a cause for joy to the citizens of the state, but unfortunately, it is not. So why is it not? The answer is not far fetched, They do not depend on their monthly wages - they can do without it entirely.

The main sources of stealing for all the governors especially (1) the rogue SECURITY VOTE (2) Money slashed from a supposed STATE/LG JOINT ACCOUNT (3)Funds stolen from the Federal allocation from Abuja (4) Jumbo allowances (5) Stealing from Internally Generated Revenue (4)  BONDS, FOREIGN AND LOCAL LOAN.

We call on Nasir El-Rufai and all supposed change agents to cut allowances, security votes andloans, then we will know that he is serious.


The social media has been agog with discussions on the supposed assets declaration of Mr. President and his Vice. In fact, NTA news monitored from our office in a news item reported the submission of their assets declaration form to the Code of Conduct Bureau. The report further explained that the duo has not only fulfilled constitutional requirements but also the promises they made to Nigerians during the long campaigns.

Chapter VI Section 140 of Nigerian constitution only stipulates that public officials should declare their assets to the Code of Conduct Bureau, So, what did Mr. President and his Vice promise? Why are Nigerians then not satisfied withthe submission of the form to the CCB?

We take a look once again at what they promised Nigerians during the elections. In a document titled "I pledge to Nigeria", the now Mr. President promised thus:

“I pledge to publicly declare my assets and liabilities, encourage all my appointees to publicity declare their assets and liabilities as a pre-condition for appointment." and "All political appointees will only earn the salaries and allowances determined by the RMFAC.”

The President and his Vice have completely fulfilled constitutional requirements but it seems thaty they are yet to fulfill a social contract they entered into with the people to make  AN OPEN DECLARATION OF THEIR ASSETS and this accounts for the uneasy or disquiet uproar been generated. By restricting their assets declaration to submission of forms to the CCB, President Buahri and Vice-President Osibanjo have done nothing special. It is clear that the understanding of the average Nigerian is that the CHANGE mantra will be reflected in the assets declaration of of the duo.The expectations of the people is that the duo will make open and public disclosures in line with international good governance best practices especially since Buhari is riding on the wings of transparency and anti corruption.

It should be recalled that former President Yar'Adua  redeemed his pledge by publicly declaring his assets on June 28, 2007; according to him, he had ₦856,452,892 (US$5.8 million) in assets, ₦19 million ($0.1 million) of which belonged to his wife. He also had ₦88,793,269.77 ($0.5 million) in liabilities.

Widespread opinion is that Nigerians did not vote Buhari to fulfill constitutional requirements, Nigerians voted for the OLD GENERAL to run an open, transparent and accountable government, to restore the dignity of the Nigerian man.


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